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Recent News for Life Insurance Professionals

News Wall St Journal: Hot jobs according to the Wall St Journal 
One of the most old-fashioned occupations in finance is back in favor: the life-insurance agent. Some big insurers are adding thousands of agents and planning to sign up more. They're taking advantage of the weak job market to scoop up former real-estate agents, mortgage brokers, bankers and lawyers whose prospects have declined... more
News USA TODAY: 50% of homes do not have adequate insurance
The percentage of U.S. households with life insurance coverage is at its lowest in 50 years, leaving millions of families without a safety net, industry experts say.
MSNBC: Middle Class Falling Short on Retirement Funds
The average American has saved less than 7 percent of his desired retirement nest egg and will likely have to keep working in retirement to supplement his income.
Middle-class Americans think they need $300,000 to fund their retirement, but on average have only saved $20,000, according to a survey released on Wednesday by Wells Fargo & Co.